Hello and welcome! We are glad you are taking the time to read these terms of service (the “Terms”).

These Terms are important as they, together with your booking confirmation email (the “Booking Confirmation”), set out the legal terms on which Tour Services are made available to you through our Service. They also cover any interactions or communications you have with us through our Service.

Your use of our service is conditional upon your acceptance of these Terms. To book a Tour Service, you must also accept these Terms. Please do not use our service or book a Travel Service if you do not accept these Terms.

We may change these Terms at any time and your future use of our Service following changes to these Terms is subject to you accepting those updated Terms. We recommend that you save or print a copy of these Terms.

こんにちは。そして、ようこそ! 本利用規約 (以下「本規約」という) をお読みいただき、誠にありがとうございます。
本規約は、予約確認メール (以下「予約確認」という) とともに、弊社のサービスを通じてお客様がツアーサービスを利用できるようにするための法的条件を定めているため、重要なものです。また、本利用規約は、弊社のサービスを通じてお客様が弊社と行ったやり取りやコミュニケーションについても適用されます。

In these Terms:

“we”, “us” or “our” refer to Mahalo nuiloa local guide Japan

“Tour Provider” refers to the tour supplier making available the Tour Services to you through our Service.

“you” refers to you, the traveler, using our Service or making a booking with our Service.

Please read these Terms carefully.


  • 「弊社」とは サービスを提供するMahalo nuiloa local guide Japanを指します。
  • 「ツアーサービス提供会社」とは、弊社のサービスを通じて、お客様にツアーサービスを利用可能な状態とするツアーサプライヤーをいいます。
  • 「お客様」とは、弊社のサービスを利用するか、または弊社のサービスで予約をする旅行者であるお客様をいいます。


Section 1 Rules and Restrictions

As well as these Terms, other terms and conditions provided by Tour Providers (such as a facility’s or experience class’s terms and conditions, etc.) also apply to your booking (“Rules and Restrictions”).

To make a booking, you must accept the Rules and Restrictions of the Tour Provider that you select (such as payment of due amounts, refundability, penalties, availability restrictions and use of fares or services, etc.). The relevant Rules and Restrictions are provided to you before you make a booking and are incorporated by reference into these Terms.

If you violate a Tour Provider’s Rules and Restrictions, your booking may be canceled, and you may be denied access to the relevant Tour Service. You may also lose any money paid for such booking, and the Tour Provider or we may request to pay for any costs we incurred as a result of such violation.


本規約に加えて、ツアー プロバイダーが提供するその他の規約 (施設または体験クラスの規約など) もお客様の予約に適用されます (「規則と制限」)。

予約を行うには、選択したツアー プロバイダーの規則と制限事項に同意する必要があります (未払い料金の支払い、払い戻し、違約金、空状況の制限、運賃またはサービスの使用など)。 関連する規則と制限事項は、予約を行う前に提供され、参照により本規約に組み込まれます。

ツアー プロバイダーの規則および制限に違反した場合、予約がキャンセルされ、関連するツアーサービスへのアクセスが拒否される場合があります。 また、そのような予約に対して支払われた金銭を失う可能性があり当社またはツアー プロバイダーは、そのような違反の結果として当社または彼らが被った費用の支払いを要求する場合があります。

Section 2 Using our Service

Our rules
We provide Tour coordinate and guide service.
You agree that:

  • you will only use our service for personal and non-commercial purposes
  • you must be at least 18 years of age and have the legal authority to enter into contracts
  • you will use our Service lawfully and in compliance with these Terms
  • all information supplied by you is true, accurate, current and complete
  • if you book on behalf of others:
    • you will obtain their authorization before acting on their behalf
    • you will inform them about the terms that apply to the booking (including the Rules and Restrictions) and ensure that they agree to such terms
    • you are responsible for paying any amounts due, for making any change/cancellation requests and for all other matters relating to the booking

You also agree not to:

  • make any false or fraudulent booking

We may deny anyone access to our Service at any time for any valid reason. We may also make improvements and changes to our Service at any time.


  • お客様は、個人的および非営利目的のためにのみ、弊社のサービスを利用するものとします。
  • お客様は、18 歳以上でなければならず、契約を締結する法的権限を有している必要があります。
  • お客様は、合法的に、かつ、本規約に従って、弊社のサービスを利用するものとします。
  • お客様によって提供されるすべての情報は、真実、正確、最新、完全であるものとします。
  • お客様が他のユーザーのために予約する場合 :
    • お客様が、当該ユーザーのために行為する前に、当該ユーザーの承認を得ること。
    • お客様が、予約に適用される規約 (規則および制限事項を含む) を当該ユーザーに知らせ、当該ユーザーが当該規約に確実に同意するようにすること。
    • お客様が、支払義務を負っている額の支払い、変更 / キャンセルのリクエスト、および予約に関連する他のすべての事項について責任を負うこと。


Section 3 Confirming a booking

Your Booking Confirmation includes the essential elements of your booking, such as the description of the Tour Service(s) booked and the price.

We will send your Booking Confirmation and any relevant travel documents to the email address you provide upon booking. Please get in touch with us if you do not receive your Booking Confirmation within 48 hours of booking.

セクション 3 予約の確認

弊社は、予約確認通知および関連する旅行書類を、お客様が予約する際に指定するメールアドレス宛てに送信します。お客様が予約してから 48 時間以内に予約確認通知を受信しない場合は、弊社までお問い合わせください。

Section 4 Payment

We will provide you with a quote based on your desired tour and service content. Any costs not included in the tour price are the responsibility of the customer.


Payment processing
Please make payment at the time of booking. After confirming the payment, the reservation of the tour will be confirmed, and various arrangements will be started. 


Payment Method

Payment method is Japanese yen by PayPal.


Section 5 Cancelling or changing a booking

Cancellation or change by you:

Booking cancellations or changes (for the tour date, destination, place where the trip starts, property, or means of transport) can be made by contacting us in advance.

You do not have an automatic right to cancel or change a booking unless allowed by the relevant Tour Provider under their Rules and Restrictions (which are provided to you before you make a booking).

Tour Providers may charge you fees for cancelling (in full or part) or changing a booking. Such fees are set out in the Rules and Restrictions. You agree to pay any charges that you incur. Please be aware that for changes, the price of your new arrangements will be based on the applicable price at the time you ask us to make the change. This price may not be the same as when you originally booked the Tour Services. Prices tend to increase the closer to the departure date that the change is made.

予約の (旅行期間、目的地、旅行の開始場所、施設、または輸送手段に関する) キャンセルまたは変更は、弊社に問い合わせることで行うことができます。
規則および制限事項 (予約を行う前に提供されます) に基づいて関連する旅行サービス提供会社によって許可されない限り、予約をキャンセルまたは変更する権利がお客様に自動的に付与されることはありません。
ツアーサービス提供会社は、キャンセル (全部もしくは一部) または予約の変更について、お客様に手数料を請求する場合があります。当該手数料は、規則および制限事項に定められます。お客様は、お客様に起因する手数料を支払うことに同意するものとします。変更について、お客様の新しい手配内容の料金は、変更のご依頼時点における利用可能な料金に基づいて決定されるものとします。この料金は、旅行サービスの当初のご予約時の料金と異なる場合があります。料金は、変更が行われる時点が出発日に近いほど高額になる傾向があります。

Any refunds will be transferred back to you to the payment method you used to make the original booking.
A full refund will be given if the tour is canceled due to our company’s reasons.

If the weather is bad (heavy rain or snow) or there is a natural disaster, the tour will be canceled, and the tour fee will be refunded.

In case of cancellation, a 10% service fee will be deducted from the balance refundable.

Cut-off times are on (JST) Japan standard time.





Cancellation charge

Cancellation fees will be 30% of the tour price from 30 days before the tour date, 50% from 14days before and 100% from 7 days before the tour date.
For experiential activities, we will inform you of the actual cost depending on the course when you apply for the tour. *In case of cancellation, a 10% service fee will occur for the refund.

For experiential activities, we will inform you of the actual cost depending on the course when you apply for the tour. *In case of cancellation, a 10% service fee will occur for the refund.


Section 6 Tour Service specific terms

Some Tour may require you to sign their liability waiver before participating in the Travel Service they offer.

セクション 6 旅行サービス固有の規約


Section 7 Liability

Our liability

  • We provide tour coordinate and guide Services to you.

Our company will not be liable for:

  • Compensation for injuries and illnesses during the tour
  • Management of valuables, compensation obligation for loss or damage

セクション7 責任


  • 弊社はツアーコーディネートとガイドサービスを提供します。


  • ツアー中の怪我や病気の補償
  • 貴重品の管理、紛失・破損の補償義務

Section 8 Your privacy and personal information

We are committed to the privacy, confidentiality, and security of personal information entrusted to us.
Please review our current Privacy Statement, which governs your use of our Service and is incorporated by reference into these Terms, to fully understand our practices.


Section 9 General

Unless otherwise stated, prices displayed do not include travel insurance. We recommend that you take out insurance that covers the consequences of certain cases of cancellation and certain risks (such as the cost of repatriation in the event of an accident or illness). You are responsible for ensuring that any insurance policy taken out adequately covers your requirements.

別途明記されていない限り、表示される料金に旅行保険は含まれていません。特定のキャンセルの場合に生じる事由や特定のリスク (事故や病気の場合の帰国費用など) を補償対象とする保険に加入することをお勧めします。お客様は、ご自身のご要望が保険ポリシーで適切にカバーされているようにする責任を負います。

Tour cancellation or suspension

If it is determined that it is difficult to continue the tour before or during the tour due to various reasons such as bad weather or traffic conditions, the tour may be changed, canceled, or ended prematurely at my discretion.



Section 10 Contact us

Please visit our contact us page here for answers to any additional questions you may have.